Start verification

"Start verification" means "ask Stripe to send the six-digit code"


POST to the following URL



  • The `client_secret` you received in step 1 (lookup).

  • The `email` of the consumer.


The response will confirm that an SMS has been sent, and will again show you redacted phone number to which it has been sent.

(You can display this phone number to your user.)


  • For now this is a separate step.

    • You might want to check if the user exists on Stripe just to update the button text from "Sign up" to "Log in".

  • Or, (to think about this), we could have this combined with the previous step.

    • In fact, that might be a good idea… so a merchant doesn't look up loads of emails without risking spamming all their users with surprise (and concerning) SMS codes.

Last updated