About this option: Open ID Connect (OIDC)

This approach uses OAuth.

How it works:

I could split out the UI + login logic to be a separate auth end only, which instead of "logging someone in" if they input the correct code, "redirect them" if they input the correct code. You, a the website developer, then "log them in" at your end. This options allows any developer (e.g., another Stripe building a demo site, or ~10 non-Stripe developers we show this to) to use this social login option to add "Log in with Link" to any website that supports OAuth (e.g., websites built with Firebase, Clerk, AuthJS.dev, Supabase, etc.)

To use this, you'll:

  • Have a button your your website that says "Log in with Link"

  • Clicking that button redirects the user to a page hosted on loginwithlink.com

  • We authenticate the user, then redirect them back to your site with a code/token.

  • You use that code to validate with us (via API) that the user is in fact logged in.


  • This is what [another demo website built by another Stripe?] uses [TODO]

  • This is what [another demo website built by another Stripe?] uses [TODO]

Last updated