Lookup email

Check if user exists on Link network

Quick example: https://loginwithlink.com/api/lookup-email?email=m@rkmoriarty.com&STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY=pk_live_51JocsEAGmp0k5LnwNUl7SJzZMhMMcMJ4X4PWg928nJLm5ocPpzHLhBOBMbTLBrXPYdkepbg9HX0AJFY8ixt2bXTV00vg5Ja3DP <- That uses my public key — please use your own once you get the idea!


This is a GET request.

GET https://loginwithlink.com/api/lookup-email

Include the following query parameters

In total, your request will look like this


e.g., if using `fetch`, you might compose a request like so:

const url = "https://loginwithlink.com/api/lookup-email";
const queryParams = {
  email: "m@rkmoriarty.com",
  STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY: "pk_live_51JocsEAGmp0k5LnwNUl7SJzZMhMMcMJ4X4PWg928nJLm5ocPpzHLhBOBMbTLBrXPYdkepbg9HX0AJFY8ixt2bXTV00vg5Ja3DP"

const queryString = Object.entries(queryParams)
  .map(([key, value]) => `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`)

const fullUrl = `${url}?${queryString}`;

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {
    // Handle the response data here
  .catch(error => {
    // Handle any errors that occur during the fetch request


The response will look something like this, if a match is found:

  "result": "success",
  "parametersSubmitted": {
    "email": "m@rkmoriarty.com",
    "STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY": "pk_live_51JocsEAGredacted [you provided in your request]"
  "userExistsOnLink": true, // or false, if user not found on Link
  "client_secret": "ABCD1234redacted" // Keep this handy; you'll need to re-submit in the final step
  "redacted_phone_number": "+3*********90" // you may wish to display this: "SMS has been sent to…"

You will see "userExistsOnLink": false if user is not found on Link.

Last updated